Italy finally fell in line with Poland and other homophobic European nations
The government in Rome has rejected, through the European Policy Commission of the Senate of the Italian Republic, the official recognition of the rights of children of rainbow families with the adoption of a European certificate of affiliation.
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The resolution opposing the proposed European Union regulation, presented by the center-right government majority, passed with 11 votes in favor and 7 against.
Of course, the parties of the center-right majority- Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, and Forza Italia-voted in favor. In contrast, the Partito Democratico, the MoVimento Cinque Stelle, and Italia Viva sided against them.
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Italy is in line with other European Union nations, such as Poland and Hungary, which have made homotransfobia their political banner.
A step backward for Italy is not all that surprising given the current government, fascism inspired whose major party.
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