United States, Republican Ted Cruz v. Supreme Court on gay marriage

United States, Republican Ted Cruz v. Supreme Court on gay marriage
United States, Republican Ted Cruz v. Supreme Court on gay marriage

Republican Senator Ted Cruz of the State of Texas said the US Constitutional Court was ‘clearly wrong’ on gay marriage

In the latest episode of his ‘Verdict+’ podcast, Republican Senator Ted Cruz attacked the legalization of same-sex marriage, saying the U.S. Constitutional Court was wrong in approving it in 2015, thanks to the Obergefell V Hodges ruling.

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“Obergefell like Roe V Wade (legalization of abortion) ignored two centuries of our history. Marriage (between people of the same sex) has always been an issue, left to the states. We saw states before Obergefell that were moving to allow gay marriage, other states were moving to allow civil unions (between people of the same sex).”

Ted Cruz

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According to Cruz, the U.S. Constitutional Court should move as it did for abortion, in other words, abolish it so that every state in the union would self-regulate in this matter. A move that would result in an immediate ban on same-sex marriage in most states happened immediately after it broke the Roe V Wade ruling regarding abortion rights.

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Republican Senator Ted Cruz’s opinions do not have the power to influence the Constitutional Court. Still, associations fighting for LGBTQ+ civil rights are on high alert and fear a repeat of what happened with abortion rights. The member justices of the U.S. Constitutional Court are avowedly pro-Republican and conservative. And they have made no secret that they want to review abortion rights and other civil rights such as same-sex marriage.

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The United States. A group of friends and an association that cultivates ethnic discrimination, racial superiority, and the fight against any diversity as essential pillars of its doctrine. These are the main elements of this multi-faceted novel, at times raw and hard, far from pity and useless turns of phrase, in which extreme fanaticism leads a father to desire the evil of his homosexual son, to the point of acting personally for the annihilation of this inclination. Yet “REDEMPTION DAYS” is not a novel that takes away space for hope, the same feeling that will take possession of the protagonist’s page after page, directing them to arrive very differently from the departure, a goal in which ideas change, the true virtues emerge, evil and perversions are finally removed, to achieve so, in different ways, their individual redemption.

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