Qatar 2022, rainbow flags banned

Qatar 2022, rainbow flags banned
Qatar 2022, rainbow flags banned

World Cup 2022 anti-LGBT+

Everyone knew that in Qatar, being an LGBT+ citizen or a woman means living under constant terror. That every day there is a risk of discrimination and worse, imprisonment and whippings for homosexuals – including foreign nationals – who are accused of behaving in a way that is illegal to morality.

A situation that should have prevented this nation from being awarded the 2022 World Cup. Unfortunately, money buys everything.

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Let us not forget that male homosexuality is illegal in Qatar, while female homosexuality is not condemned. Muslim citizens risk the death penalty.

And after the Qatari authorities had declared that LGBT+ fans would also be welcome, but only on the condition that they avoid public effusions or so-called ‘gay’ gestures, here is the latest ban on the LGBT+ community.

General Abdulaziz Abdullah Al-Ansari – the head of the World Cup Security Committee – has ‘advised’ fans not to display or waive any rainbow flags or pro-LGBT+ civil rights symbols.

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And all this, according to the general, “for protection, because you cannot control all people”.

Moreover – hypocrisy – “If a fan waved a rainbow flag, I would take it away from him. Not to insult him, but to protect him. Because if I don’t attack him, someone else might, and we cannot guarantee the correct behaviour of all people. I would then ask that fan what the need is to wave that flag in this context.

Not only civil rights but also deaths at work. During the construction of the stadiums that will host the football matches, more than 6,500 workers died, an average of 12 people per week. Most of them were immigrants. And all because of the inhuman conditions in which they were forced to work.

Although – as always – the Qatar 2022 organizing committee speaks of only 37 deaths related to stadium construction and another 34 deaths not related.

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The United States. A group of friends and an association that cultivates ethnic discrimination, racial superiority, and the fight against any diversity as essential pillars of its doctrine. These are the main elements of this multi-faceted novel, at times raw and hard, far from pity and useless turns of phrase, in which extreme fanaticism leads a father to desire the evil of his homosexual son, to the point of acting personally for the annihilation of this inclination. Yet “REDEMPTION DAYS” is not a novel that takes away space for hope, the same feeling that will take possession of the protagonist’s page after page, directing them to arrive very differently from the departure, a goal in which ideas change, the true virtues emerge, evil and perversions are finally removed, to achieve so, in different ways, their individual redemption.

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