Miss Italy: Giulia Talia, the first open lesbian

Miss Italy: Giulia Talia, the first open lesbian
Miss Italy: Giulia Talia, the first open lesbian

The National Miss Italy Contest will have its first openly lesbian contestant

Giulia Talia (24) is the first openly lesbian contestant to take part in the Miss Italia competition with a destiny already written. Interviewed by the Corriere della Sera, Giulia says that – perhaps – her participation in Miss Italia is a sign of destiny: ‹‹ The year Miriam Leone won, my grandmother Sandra told me “One day you will go there too”››. And now those words are coming true, although unfortunately her grandmother has recently passed away due to Covid. Talia has already anticipated possible attacks for her sexual orientation, as happened with Miss World Italy finalist Erika Mattina, who is also a lesbian.

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His love story with his current partner began at university, he said in the interview.

‹‹ I discovered everything at university. My partner and I met in a club with friends, a month later we were in Santorini for a weekend and seven months later we were living together. I think I had this awareness all along, but it was relegated to a corner. I was engaged for a long time to Andrea, who met my parents. Then, in my first year at university, I realized that I was as excited about girls’ looks as I was about boys’, if not more so. So I let myself go››.

Giulia Talia

The couple has many plans, including marriage and even motherhood, but all in good time.

And her coming out? Let’s say it wasn’t very easy.

‹‹ I was afraid of being judged. Then I realized that we are all different and that there will always be someone for whom you are not right. You might as well live your life the way you want to. At a certain point, I wanted to introduce Barbara to my parents. My sister Chiara, four years younger than me, was the first person I confessed to. My mother told me she already knew››.

Giulia Talia

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