Homophobic aggression in Ferrara: ”Do you know Benito Mussolini? Do you know that he would burn you all?”

Homophobic aggression in Ferrara: ”Do you know Benito Mussolini? Do you know that he would burn you all?”
Homophobic aggression in Ferrara: ''Do you know Benito Mussolini? Do you know that he would burn you all?"

Not even a few days after the rejection of the DDL Zane and the law against homo transfobia, the umpteenth homophobic attack against an LGBT+ group.

On Sunday afternoon, a group of LGBT+ youths – between 12 and 19 – were attacked in Ferrara with phrases such as: ”Do you know Benito Mussolini? Do you know that he would burn you all?’, as well as throwing firecrackers and even a dead pigeon.

The homophobic attack was carried out by a group of young people – between 17 and 25 years old – who were filmed by one of the victims with a mobile phone and later posted on social networks as an act of denunciation.

Read more >>> The League to the PD: “Let’s start again immediately for the law against homophobia”, Zan’s anger

According to reports in the local press – Nuova Ferrara and Il Resto del Carlino – the young men attacked were sitting talking to each other when they were attacked. The mother of one of them also reported that: My daughter had just a rainbow handbag” and according to the mother, it would not have been the first time, in fact: ”They know some of the young people who attacked them, on other occasions there had been jokes, allusions, but nothing like what happened the other night”.

Read more >>> Rejection of DDL Zan: Democracy takes to the streets in its defence

As they intend to file a complaint with the authorities, the mother pointed out that they have already contacted Arcigay Ferrara, which has already made available any legal support.

Alan Fabbri, Mayor of Ferrara (Lega), condemned the homophobic attack: ”A vile, mean, intolerable act: the images of the aggression suffered by a group of boys hurts. The images of the aggression suffered by a group of young people hurt and must prompt a response from everyone: an open, free, civilized, welcoming city like Ferrara cannot accept scenes of this kind. The condemnation is strong, and the indignation is absolute when we see those sequences. I express my full solidarity with the young people who were attacked and with their families. I am ready to meet them and show them, in person, my closeness. I hope that the facts will soon be fully investigated, that those responsible will be quickly identified and severely punished. I also hope that the first response will come from the families of the young people responsible for these intolerable acts. Those phrases praising the Duce, the violent words, the homophobic insults, the discriminatory phrases pronounced are abhorrent and require, in addition to do condemnation and punishment, a strong educational response and an injection of culture. These are also antibodies against incivility and violence”.

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And to think that many politicians and civil society representatives have fought to scuttle the Zan DDL – unfortunately succeeding -, claiming that in Italy homo transphobia does not exist, and that that law gave them the right to insult and beat gays and trans people. Fascist Italy is still alive and trying to raise its head again! A danger not to be underestimated.

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