Big revolution at the ‘Alessandro Serpieri’ Scientific and Artistic High School in rainbow colours
From next school year, transgender and gender-variant students will be able to opt for the ‘career alias’, already used in universities.
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The Lyceum stated ”This is a revolutionary novelty because it is applied to underage students who, in line with what is stated in Article 3 of our Constitution, aims to remove obstacles of an economic and social nature, which, in fact, limit the freedom and equality of citizens”.
What are we talking about when we talk about ‘career aliases’? In a nutshell, it is a procedure that allows – those who request it – to change their registry name to their chosen name (chosen by the student himself) in all non-official school documents. So to give an example, a transgender girl could ask to be identified by her male name.
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Furthermore, no ‘medical/psychological certification’ will be required because – according to school leaders – it is not a disease but instead a healthy expression of the many possibilities of the human race.
This initiative is one more step in the fight against gender discrimination and for the civil rights of the new and future LGBT+ generations.
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The United States. A group of friends and an association that cultivates ethnic discrimination, racial superiority, and the fight against any diversity as essential pillars of its doctrine. These are the main elements of this multi-faceted novel, at times raw and hard, far from pity and useless turns of phrase, in which extreme fanaticism leads a father to desire the evil of his homosexual son, to the point of acting personally for the annihilation of this inclination. Yet “REDEMPTION DAYS” is not a novel that takes away space for hope, the same feeling that will take possession of the protagonist’s page after page, directing them to arrive very differently from the departure, a goal in which ideas change, the true virtues emerge, evil and perversions are finally removed, to achieve so, in different ways, their individual redemption.