United Kingdom and LGBT + Friendly teachers

United Kingdom and LGBT + Friendly teachers
Nicola Collins (Picture: Just Like Us)
Nicola Collins (Picture: Just Like Us)

In English schools, we find several examples of teachers helping to make them safer for LGBT + children

Although LGBT + issues in schools over the past 20 years have come a long way, there is still a long way to go, in fact, many within the community believe that even more work is needed to help queer youth feel accepted and safe at home. inside the school.

According to a survey sponsored by Just Like Us – a charity for LGBT + youth – which found that queer pupils are twice as likely to be bullied and have suicidal thoughts.

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In London, an elementary school teacher and her students were nationally awarded for forming a Pride group with the motivation of paving the way for LGBT + inclusion across the UK.

Nicola Collins (37) currently teaches first year at St Stephen’s CE Primary School in west London, where among other things she has promoted an annual week on LGBT + diversity.

Interviewed with Metro.co.uk about her work, she said: ‹‹ As part of this week, we teach the children about how different families are made up including those with same-sex parents, and that everyone has an identity and this includes people who identify as gay, lesbian, transgender, non-binary and so on››.

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She is married and with two children, she added that: ‹‹ As a gay teacher with children, I talk about my family as a workshop for each year group and share my own experiences of growing up gay and the challenges it brought››.

We recall that in England until 2003 there was a law that prohibited the ‘promotion of homosexuality’ in schools and this meant that neither teachers nor students could speak openly about being gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer.

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