UK, teacher banned indefinitely for outing transgender student on social media

UK, teacher banned indefinitely for outing transgender student on social media

A teacher in Manchester revealed the name of one of her transgender pupils on social media

The story dates back to 2023 – according to the Daily Mail – when a whistleblower alerted a school in Manchester that one of its teachers, Camilla Hannan, 54, had been posting offensive and anti-trans messages on X (then Twitter).

In one of the many posts, she had outed a transgender student by name.

Not only that: “Where I teach we have a gender identity policy,” with an eye-rolling emoji. And also “It’s a load of meaningless rubbish, as you can imagine“.

In another post, she attacked transgender students and the school itself, where she has taught since 2001.

Where I teach, trans kids are untouchable. They get everything they ask for and everyone, both staff and other students, are petrified of upsetting them. They don’t seem to me to be oppressed, they seem to be oppressors“.

The Manchester Evening News reported that in August this year, Hannan herself admitted to writing and publishing the posts, and a misconduct hearing was held by the Teaching Regulation Agency to hear the case.

A panel later found in September that Hannan had disclosed private medical information about the student without his consent.

Camilla Hannan’s defence was that the posts were the result of frustration with her workload and that she had exercised “poor judgement“.

In a statement, she said she had “no ill-will or malice towards transgender people” and respected “their right to live as they wish and to ask others to refer to them by the names and pronouns of their choice“.

However, she added that she was concerned about so-called “gender ideology“.

A “remorse” that, according to the committee, she only had because she had been discovered, also because the posts were anonymous.

The committee’s decision was to suspend her from teaching indefinitely, but she will be given the opportunity to submit an appeal.

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