UK, severely damaged Trans Memorial

UK, severely damaged Trans Memorial
UK, severely damaged Trans Memorial
Photo by PinkNews

On the weekend of Manchester Pride, the Trans Memorial was set on fire

Damaged beyond repair, the Trans Memorial. The memorial was carved from a tall sycamore tree and decorated with that plaque in memory of the victims of hate crimes against transgender people.

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The monument was in Manchester’s Sackville Gardens, and unfortunately during Manchester Pride, some uncivilized people mistook it for an open-air bathroom.

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The Trans Memorial – as reported by the PinkNews website – caught fire on the night of August 29, as Pride celebrations were winding down.

Sparkle – The National Transgender Charity – regarding what happened to the memorial, is speculating on the possibility of replacing it with a “lasting and resilient memorial that reflects the rich diversity of trans, non-binary and gender expansive communities.”

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Authorities in Manchester have not yet declared the matrix of the incident: crime or accident? The investigation will uncover any instigators of the damage to the Trans Memorial.

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