The number of LGBTQIA-friendly businesses in the United States is growing

The number of LGBTQIA-friendly businesses in the United States is growing

The number of US companies in favour of LGBTQIA inclusion is growing.

Recently, several companies have backtracked on LGBTQIA inclusion and workplace equality due to negative reactions from conservative activists.

This is a rapidly growing phenomenon, but according to the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s (HRC) Corporate Equality Index (CEI) 2025, more than 1,449 companies were rated this year, an increase of 5%.

Of these, 765 companies received the highest score, an increase of 28% from 2024.

Very encouraging data, despite the new era of Donald Trump in the White House.

98% of the companies surveyed include sexual orientation and gender identity in their non-discrimination policies, while 87% provide transgender employees with equal health care coverage without exclusions for necessary medical care.

HRC President Kelley Robinson said: “Progress is sometimes met with backlash, but companies continue to invest time and resources to strengthen inclusion in the workplace. As a result, they are more competitive and creative, attract and retain top talent, and expand their customer base.”

The growing commitment to the inclusion of LGBTQIA employees reflects a broader shift in many corporate America towards more equitable and inclusive practices, despite continued challenges and pushback.

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