Russian soldiers hunt gays in Ukraine

Russian soldiers hunt gays in Ukraine
Russian soldiers hunt gays in Ukraine

‘Castrate them and kill them’ are the watchwords of Russian soldiers toward Ukrainian gays

In the war between Ukraine and Russia, war crimes are allegedly being committed against the Ukrainian LGBTQ+ community by the Russian army. This is the alarm raised by Tim M. alias ‘Peg Leg’ from the city of Sumy.

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Tim M. is an investigator specializing in tracking down human traffickers around the world and is currently investigating Russian crimes against gays.

According to his investigation: “From what I have seen, there is a vile anti-gay agenda, including a plan to castrate and kill them”. Violence is not only directed against gays but also against lesbians and trans people.

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”It is much worse than people can imagine in the United States of America. We have videos, we have eyewitness accounts, we have evidence, and this is the kind of thing that would be front-page news in every paper if it happened on a Saturday night at home in Las Vegas”.

A chilling situation.

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Moreover, the investigator puts his finger on the fact that Russians–this is nothing new–find homosexuality repugnant and against the laws of nature.

Let us not forget that State Homophobia has been in place in Russia for years, with laws restricting and condemning both the LGBTQ+ community, homosexuality, and associations fighting for the recognition of civil rights.

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The United States. A group of friends and an association that cultivates ethnic discrimination, racial superiority, and the fight against any diversity as essential pillars of its doctrine. These are the main elements of this multi-faceted novel, at times raw and hard, far from pity and useless turns of phrase, in which extreme fanaticism leads a father to desire the evil of his homosexual son, to the point of acting personally for the annihilation of this inclination. Yet “REDEMPTION DAYS” is not a novel that takes away space for hope, the same feeling that will take possession of the protagonist’s page after page, directing them to arrive very differently from the departure, a goal in which ideas change, the true virtues emerge, evil and perversions are finally removed, to achieve so, in different ways, their individual redemption.

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