Number of young gay and bisexual people in the UK has quadrupled

Number of young gay and bisexual people in the UK has quadrupled

The census has revealed that the number of young people who identify as gay or bisexual has quadrupled, particularly among 16-24 year olds.

This change has been attributed to a number of factors, including increased awareness of LGBTQIA rights, greater representation in the media and, of course, growing support from families and communities.

Statistics show that by 2023 there were over 715,000 young people who identified as gay or bisexual, up from around 310,000 in 2018. The increase has been particularly marked in major UK cities such as London, Manchester and Brighton, where there are strong and vibrant LGBTQIA communities.

Experts believe that this increase is a positive sign of a more inclusive and welcoming society for LGBTQIA people.

However, experts also stress the need to continue to work to ensure that all young people, regardless of their sexual orientation, can live without discrimination and with full respect for their rights.

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