Mysterious object sparks hunt for legendary Nessie

Mysterious object sparks hunt for legendary Nessie

Loch Ness is back in the news with a possible Nessie sighting

A mysterious object (20 feet / 6.1 metres) has sent shockwaves through the community of monster hunters and huge fans of the legendary Loch Ness Monster.

The sighting dates back to 25 October 2024 and was captured by a webcam operated by Visit Inverness Loch Ness (VILN).

The footage shows a large dark anomaly constantly moving in the waters of the Scottish loch. Watching the live broadcast from his home in Ireland, Nessie hunter Eoin O’Faodhagain described it as having two distinct humps and estimated the mysterious creature to be around 25 feet (7.62 metres) long.

It could only be the Loch Ness Monster“.

While enthusiasts and monster hunters believe the video proves the existence of Nessie, sceptics say the object captured could simply be a large fish or the wake of a boat.

The Loch Ness Centre tourist attraction has announced plans to carry out further investigations, using listening devices and underwater cameras to gather more evidence to confirm Nessie’s existence.

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