In Ghana, Christian anti-LGBTQ+ groups want to take away the Rainbow flag

In Ghana, Christian anti-LGBTQ+ groups want to take away the Rainbow flag

Two Christian religious extremist groups have launched a campaign to strip the LGBTQ+ community of its flag

The Rainbow flag is a symbol of the international LGBTQ+ community. A symbol proudly displayed and carried at every rally in support of the fight for LGBTQ+ civil rights. Created in 1978 by artist and activist Gilbert Baker, it featured 8 colors with related meanings in perfect New Age style.

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The Pink for Sexuality;

The Red for Life;

The Orange for Health;

Yellow for Sunlight;

The Green for Nature;

The Turquoise for Magic and Art;

The Blue for Serenity;

Purple for Spirit;

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Its first public appearance was during the June 25, 1978, Gay Pride march in San Francisco. And over the years it has undergone several changes, in fact, currently- the most widely used and known version- is composed of 6 colors, after the elimination of pink and turquoise with the replacement of indigo with blue.

In 2007, black and brown were added in support of the African-American community while in 2019, a new version was created with the addition of a triangle on the left side of the flag. A triangle is composed of 4 stripes: black in remembrance of AIDS victims, brown for the African-American community, and blue and pink with a white triangle in the middle for the transgender community.

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Now in Ghana, the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Valuse and the Advocates of Christ Ghana – extremist Christian and avowedly anti-LGBTQ+ associations – have decided to take that flag to thus reaffirm heterosexuality and family values.

A declaration of war was declared after a document was made public last May stating that the statements found in the Bible regarding the condemnation of same-sex relationships were based on misinterpretations and translations, as has always been claimed. This was the conclusion reached by biblical scholars, theologians, biologists, evolutionists, and sociologists (a total of 20 scholars).

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According to lawyer and secretary of the anti-LGBTQ+ coalition, Moses Foh Amoaning: ”This is a struggle between the almighty and man. Whoever wears the rainbow colors for LGBTQI people will be a target of the Holy Spirit and the power of God will come after him.”

This is the usual religious fanaticism that has nothing to do with the true teachings of the Bible!

Unfortunately, the situation in Ghana – as reported by PinkNews – regarding the civil rights of LGBTQ+ people could become increasingly dangerous if the Family Values Bill is passed by Parliament.

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This Bill would outlaw most aspects of LGBTQ+ life, and advocating for LGBTQ+ civil rights would also become a crime punishable by imprisonment.

In Ghana, homosexuality is illegal due to many articles in the Penal Code that punish crimes against the family and morals. Articles are used to target and repress the LGBTQ+ community. And the passage of that Bill would spell the end for Ghana’s LGBTQ+ community.

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