France closed the homophobic mosque

France closed the homophobic mosque
France closed the homophobic mosque

Secular France closes an extremist mosque

The news of the administrative closure of the Grand Mosque of Beauvais – which could last up to a maximum of 6 months – was given by the French Minister of the Interior Gérald Damanin. The closure was imposed by the repeated attacks against Jews, Christians, and homosexuals. Attacks launched during the Imam’s sermons.

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“Today we started the closure of the Beauvais mosque, it is completely unacceptable that it is fighting against Christians, homosexuals, and Jews”.

This is what the French Interior Minister himself declared to CNews and reported by Le Parisien.

That mosque had been under scrutiny by the authorities for a few weeks already, and one of the Imams was harshly criticized for his too radical Friday sermons on Islam.

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