First reality show about drag kings is coming

First reality show about drag kings is coming

Dear Drag Queens, Drag Kings are coming to TV

Amazing news from the United States of America! The legendary drag king Murray Hill is going to launch the first reality show dedicated to drag kings. The first of its kind, after years of drag queens dominating the scene with great success.

According to Variety, the first season of the reality show will debut this spring and will consist of six episodes in which eight of the best American drag kings will compete for the title of “King of Drag”.

In an official statement, the producers of the new reality show promised to differentiate it from drag queen-themed shows and “will showcase the unique talents of drag kings, including comedy, unconventional performances and timely commentary on masculinity that has been part of the drag king subculture for decades.”

Christopher J. Rodriguez – Co-Founder and Chief Content Officer of Revry – stated that the show is “one of the most original programs we’ve ever developed” and continued, “We are overjoyed to have Murray Hill host the series and introduce a new world of drag to a global audience. His comedy, wit and experience will be a perfect fit for a series that showcases a passionate group in the LGBTQ+ community who are forging their own paths and breaking new ground in the entertainment industry.”

Murray Hill also expressed his excitement for this new adventure: “I’m so excited to be working with Revry as the host of King of Drag. I’ve been performing since 1995, so it’s long overdue for the Kings to take centre stage. This vibrant community deserves to be in the spotlight and I’m going to be their biggest hype man. I can’t wait to work with the Kings and introduce them to the biggest audience possible, thanks to Revry. That’s showbiz“.

We are sure that the new reality show “King of Drag” will hold many surprises for the audience and will revolutionise the world of drag kings.

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