And after META, e-commerce giant Amazon also erases the rainbow
Amazon has also changed its policy on LGBTQIA civil rights within the company, and with the stroke of a pen has removed the section dedicated to LGBTQIA rights from its official company policy page, as well as abandoning its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programmes.
The decision came a few days after Donald Trump took office in the White House and after the META reversal.
The entire section committing Amazon to transgender protection and equality has disappeared. A radical change that has raised many concerns among various Amazon employees who fear the loss of specific benefits for gender transition, even though Jeff Bezos’ company has assured that these specific benefits will not be cancelled.
Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon) have bowed down to Donald Trump and, in order to enter his Republican court, they have removed LGBTQIA rights, a very welcome gift for the tycoon.
Unfortunately, they will not be the only ones to bow before the new tenant of the White House and sacrifice the rainbow on the altar of power and the dollar!