Since 2004, 17 May has been celebrated as the Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia. And this year all Italian schools will invite students to talk about it
The Ministry of Education (Italy), on the occasion of 17 May, sent – in recent days – an official note inviting teachers and schools of every order and grade (naturally according to their autonomy in didactic and organizational matters) to seek moments of discussion among students on issues related to discrimination, civil, human rights and freedom.
English football striker Jake Daniels, coming out
‹‹ Given the high value of the initiative, please ensure wide and timely dissemination of this note to all educational institutions››
This is part of the ministerial note that has triggered harsh protests from the usual extreme right-wing and homophobic movements and parties such as Fratelli d’Italia and the Popolo della Famiglia.
In spite of all this, meetings and debates between teachers and students should be held today in all schools in Italy, even if we know that – perhaps – in 90% of cases it will not happen because of the homotransfobia of several teachers, but also because of this unreal war promoted by the extreme right and Christian/Catholic extremists against the alleged gender theory that is – according to right-wing conspiracy – manipulating the minds of young people. Our country regarding LGBT+ civil rights is still lagging behind, and only dark clouds can be seen on the horizon.
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The United States. A group of friends and an association that cultivates ethnic discrimination, racial superiority, and the fight against any diversity as essential pillars of its doctrine. These are the main elements of this multi-faceted novel, at times raw and hard, far from pity and useless turns of phrase, in which extreme fanaticism leads a father to desire the evil of his homosexual son, to the point of acting personally for the annihilation of this inclination. Yet “REDEMPTION DAYS” is not a novel that takes away space for hope, the same feeling that will take possession of the protagonist’s page after page, directing them to arrive very differently from the departure, a goal in which ideas change, the true virtues emerge, evil and perversions are finally removed, to achieve so, in different ways, their individual redemption.